Selectmen’s Agenda 06/19/2017

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Create DateJune 19, 2017
Last UpdatedJune 19, 2017
Play List

Monday, June 19, 2017

3:45 PM -  Rob Nadler - Ragged Mt. Equip.

Subject:  Tent Sale Permit

4:00 PM -  Josh Cahill - Glen Jct Restaurant

Subject:  Permit for ice cream window

4:30 PM - Arthur King - 16 Wildflower Ln.

Subject:  Noise complaint

5:00 PM - Adjourn

Non Public Session under NH RSA 91-A:3 II(a) - Bartlett Jackson Transfer Station Committee for a personnel matter.

Note: This agenda represents appointments that have been scheduled as of the close of business on the Friday prior to the meeting. Items are subject to change and additional items may be added.

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